Saturday, July 11, 2020

Critiques For Query Letters And Synopses


I am a traditionally published author who has been in and out of the query trenches before when I was still looking for an agent. I've written and edited probably over a hundred queries in my time; both my own and for others. 

When I edit a query I look for a few things:


-Punchy vs stagnant writing

-Ways for the query to run smoother


-How enticing the query is

I will also focus on the Four C's of query writing. 

Character -- Who is this story about and what makes them worthy enough for a story?

Conflict -- Who or what stands in the way of the character's current goal/what goes wrong for the character

Choice -- What choices does the character make because of the conflict

Consequence -- What are the consequences of the choices the character has made/What happens if they choose not to confront the conflict, the 'or else' factor

I also look at synopses. My work with them is as follows:

--Making sure they're coherent and easily understandable

--The right word or page count 

--Structured in an emotion/action/reaction way



It was good


Very thorough and useful notes. Will use in the future.

: : :

Critiques For Query Letters And Synopses

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